ਉ ਕੁ - ਔਂਕੜ - Aunkard.

Name: Aunkard
Shape: ਉ ਕੁ
Spelling: ਔਂਕੜ
Drawing: ਉ This is oordaa with an aunkard. Note that when you see this printed, it has quite a curve to it - this is easy to see in the animation on the right.

ਕੁ When writing, keep it straight. This has several advantages: a straight line is quicker and easier to draw; and, you are less likely to confuse a badly written aunkard with a badly written paer hahha (ਨੁ - ਨ੍ਹ).

Sound: This one is a short 'u' as in 'plug'.
Duration: short

Copyright ©2007-2023 Paul Alan Grosse.